Autumn Lawns

Its starting to feel a lot like Autumn is actually here now. The jeans are starting to come out of the wardrobe and cardigans are being thrown in the car for when the afternoon gets cooler. And often we start to think less about outside. But really this is the best time to be outside. The air is still warm during the day time and the soils are warm for little roots to get established as well.

Installing turf now is fantastic. It means that you can install a beautiful lawn without the heat exhausting you. Over winter you can look out over your green lush lawn and get that happy feeling, and then in Summer, your lawn will be already established with a good strong root system so it won’t need as much watering in the warmer months. Its really a win win. Less effort and energy now to also ensure less work for yourself later on!

So why not put in an empire Zoysia lawn this Autumn. The Empire is a soft thinner leafed lawn, that cushions your bare foot as you walk. And my Favourite part is the in winter its leaf growth slows right down. To the point where at my place I don’t mow the Zoysia all winter. Its fantastic.

IMG_0303So its soft, comforting, hardly any work, and looks fantastic.

A great Autumn project to make your lawn and home look amazing.Empire Lawn







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Sare 🙂