Here comes the Green Grass

Well here at the farm this week we have had a week of exciting new arrivals.  The best of which I think was the wonderful rain. It only takes a splash to make the grass and ground gorgeous green again. I love it. I love hearing the rain on the shed roof,  I love watching the kids jump through muddy puddles, and I love how the grass gets the wonderful green colour and smell after the rain. It makes  us all warm and fuzzy here at coastal turf.


Another thing that makes us warm and fuzzy was the arrival of our new kitten. he is wild and so fluffy and cute. Definitely expect to see more of him on the site and blog.


And I now have a cast on my left arm. Luckily(or not) I am right handed so a wonky left wrist isn’t the end of the world, but it is a dampener. So typing and phoning are challenging and my family thinks quite funny.

So lots of arrivals this week. But great to see the wet nights and sunny days. Perfect grass growing cutting and installing weather.


Chat soon


Marcus and Jimmie the cat

Marcus and Jimmie the cat